Sign up Requirements

In order to register a child for Pack 1776 you must submit:

Youth Application Form

Fill out youth application via

National BSA and Grand Canyon Council will charge you annual dues when you complete the online application.

National BSA has a one-time $25 new Scout processing fee for first time Scouts.

Youth Health and Medical Form

Please download the Heath and Medical form. If you open it in Adobe Reader you can fill it out and sign it electronically.

Download this fillable Health and Medical Form for each child you wish to register.

Adult Talent Survey

Delivering fun, and exciting adventures to our Scouts takes caring adults from all kinds of backgrounds with a wide variety of skills and interests.

Take a moment to let our Pack leadership know what talents you have and may be willing to share.

Download this form and fill it out for each caring adult participating with their child in Cub Scouts

Amenity Release and Waiver Agreement

In order to use the Vistancia Mountain Vista Club facility as the location for our Pack meetings, all members must sign the Vistancia Village Community Association Amenity User informed Consent, Release and Waiver Agreement

Vistancia Village A Waiver.pdf
Download this form and fill it out for each caring adult participating with their child in Cub Scouts